The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #101

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    That looks stunningly beautiful!


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #102

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    Thanks. As Mindy Grayson famously once said, "I Agree!" Solid acacia top, maple and ebony "rope" binding. Lam acacia b&s. 'Hog neck with very tight grain rw fboard. It sounds sooo nice, like bells. Tremendous b-f-t-b. Going to bring it to my mother's 90th bday party to play hb.

    Ukelele Jazz-uke2-jpg
    Last edited by Woody Sound; 01-26-2020 at 06:18 PM.

  4. #103

    User Info Menu

    Oh, that's what "u" stands for.

    That looks really cool. I like the contrasting binding and the top color is neat. Hope it serves you well.

  5. #104

    User Info Menu

    The top is very thin and alive, maybe 2mm or so. Incredibly light.

  6. #105

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    It's hard to believe one can get so much sound out of those little boxes. I have 4 ukes of various price points, and they all sound pretty darn good.

    I do like the wood figure on that one and the binding. That makes it stand out.

  7. #106

    User Info Menu

    So I bought the uke just for fun, because my daughter and a buddy of mine both have one. Well I just got a call to do "Bullets Over Broadway," and low and behold it calls for uke! How's that for prophetic?

    Bullets over Broadway The Musical | Music Theatre International

    (Click on "Materials and Orchestration")
    Last edited by Woody Sound; 02-27-2020 at 07:36 PM.

  8. #107

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    Summer is coming

    Last edited by Caillou; 05-05-2021 at 05:32 PM.

  9. #108

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    interesting player/artist on NPR's little desk

    • (Medley): "Carmen," "E Ala ?," "Jupiter"
    • "Fire"
    • "Maluhia"

    The first 2 tracks are the more interesting "UKE" wise...FIRE (9' 35") has some "fireworks" and tight beats.....


  10. #109

    User Info Menu

    Love this clip.