My instinct and ear tell me delay first, then verb. I use a very subtle brief delay. Anyone else?
11-07-2024 12:18 PM
I'm not much help - I use an Earthquake Systems Dispatch Master that has both and I can blend them together as I want but, your suggestions sounds reasonable - I guess, try it both ways and see which sounds better
Originally Posted by Skip Ellis
Delay before reverb. I never use delay but I know what to be true. The reverse can be used as an effect but does not emulate the sound of a physical space.
I always do delay, then reverb last too. I figure its best to get used to that in case you end up with an amp with good reverb. Then you will be good to go.
Originally Posted by omphalopsychos
My old Boss multifx from the 90s (which I still use!) defaults Delay then Reverb.
AFAIK Reverb should always be last, it's adding noise.
Delay first for me. Both for short delays and ambient volume swell washes.
From physical point of view delay should be before reverb. Because in the real world a tone signal reflected from e.g. a wall heard as delay will be reverberized in the same way as the original signal.
In my long-ago life as a recording engineer, it was the output of the digital delay hitting the plate reverb. Yes, delay->reverb.
For a more ambient approach, reverb into delay can be quite effective.
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