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  1. #1

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    My instinct and ear tell me delay first, then verb. I use a very subtle brief delay. Anyone else?


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    I'm not much help - I use an Earthquake Systems Dispatch Master that has both and I can blend them together as I want but, your suggestions sounds reasonable - I guess, try it both ways and see which sounds better

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Skip Ellis
    I'm not much help - I use an Earthquake Systems Dispatch Master that has both and I can blend them together as I want but, your suggestions sounds reasonable - I guess, try it both ways and see which sounds better
    Thanks, I was considering getting one of those, but trying to not spend $ on another pedal if I can get be with what I already have. My thinking is delay first, because if verb was first, it would "confuse" the delay. But with the delay first, the verb might simple fill it out a bit.

  5. #4

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    Delay before reverb. I never use delay but I know what to be true. The reverse can be used as an effect but does not emulate the sound of a physical space.

  6. #5

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    I always do delay, then reverb last too. I figure its best to get used to that in case you end up with an amp with good reverb. Then you will be good to go.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by omphalopsychos
    Delay before reverb. I never use delay but I know what to be true. The reverse can be used as an effect but does not emulate the sound of a physical space.
    Yeah, makes sense.

  8. #7

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    My old Boss multifx from the 90s (which I still use!) defaults Delay then Reverb.

  9. #8

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    AFAIK Reverb should always be last, it's adding noise.

  10. #9

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    Delay first for me. Both for short delays and ambient volume swell washes.

  11. #10

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    From physical point of view delay should be before reverb. Because in the real world a tone signal reflected from e.g. a wall heard as delay will be reverberized in the same way as the original signal.

  12. #11

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    In my long-ago life as a recording engineer, it was the output of the digital delay hitting the plate reverb. Yes, delay->reverb.

  13. #12

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    For a more ambient approach, reverb into delay can be quite effective.