The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody Sound;1363708



    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody Sound
    Gibson went wild here and there with greenbursts. No thanks.


  4. #28

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    Sometimes context may make a difference; I tried to match the finish
    of the amp's pine to the guitar... I think it makes the guitar look better.

    What makes a sunburst good?-1965-jpg

  5. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatRhythmMan

    I love the bursts Bryant Trenier does.
    I agree, they are all eye-catching in a non-startling or dramatic way. I like the understated looks of 20s L-5 posted and the more traditional gibson-type as well. 2 sides of the same coin to me.

  6. #30

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    Fond of the Sunburst on my 53 Epi Triumph Regent.
    What makes a sunburst good?-53-epi-jpg

  7. #31

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    What makes a sunburst good?-dsc03498-jpg
    2006 Eastman AR810CE — The border is dark, but I like the gradual fade.

    1997 Fender Telecaster American Standard — It’s a fairly abrupt fade, but I think it suits the instrument.
    Last edited by KirkP; 10-06-2024 at 12:06 PM.

  8. #32

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    this is the red sunburst I asked to my luthierWhat makes a sunburst good?-img_5201-jpeg
    Attached Images Attached Images What makes a sunburst good?-img_6245-jpg 

  9. #33

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    My 3 very different bursts, all beautiful:

    What makes a sunburst good?-img_3685-jpgWhat makes a sunburst good?-img_1750-jpg

  10. #34

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    It is enlightning to see that everybody has his/her own "good sunburst"!

    I personally don't dig at all those most "authentic" very dark sunbursts from 40s & early 50s. They look like ancient sepia colored b&w pics.

    For some reason I prefer 3-colour bursts. I have heard that Gibson started to make them around 1956.

    So this 1958 ES-125 that I owned a while earlier this year was about perfect to my eyes:

    What makes a sunburst good?-es125top-jpg

    I still own an 2015 ES-175 Reissue 1954 that almost has a hint of the red there, hasn't it?

    If it does not have it, is otherwise so nice P-90-guitar that I can't think of giving it up.

    What makes a sunburst good?-es175ri54top-jpg

    And the goodness also depends on the guitar. That black-red-yellow sunburst I love in a jazz guitar I can't stand in my Les Pauls. Those must have only red-yellow sunburst. Or some variation of it, "iced teaburst" or "desertburst" etc, but I think that this 2010 R8 has a classic sunburst:

    What makes a sunburst good?-lpr8body-jpg

  11. #35

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    With few exceptions, bursts are either horrid or attractive.

    In general... Heritage=attractive, Gibson=horrid

    I like to see a gradual fade from the darker rim color (which should be translucent) to a lighter color in the center. In your face center colors like ORANGE are less than wonderful.

    Gibson's tobacco burst are generally the worst because they look cheap but here's some I like from Gibson.

    What makes a sunburst good?-some-gibson-bursts-jpg

    One from Heritage

    What makes a sunburst good?-heritage_h575_fr-jpg

  12. #36

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    Quote Originally Posted by GNAPPI
    With few exceptions, bursts are either horrid or attractive.

    In general... Heritage=attractive, Gibson=horrid

    I like to see a gradual fade from the darker rim color (which should be translucent) to a lighter color in the center. In your face center colors like ORANGE are less than wonderful.

    Gibson's tobacco burst are generally the worst because they look cheap but here's some I like from Gibson.

    What makes a sunburst good?-some-gibson-bursts-jpg

    One from Heritage

    What makes a sunburst good?-heritage_h575_fr-jpg
    What do you have against a Gibson tobacco burst? For example this one doesn’t look cheap to me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #37

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    I said "in general" those that are nearly black on the rim (yours is not) and not translucent are IMO fugly. I posted a pic of some very acceptable samples no?

  14. #38

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    Good gradiation from the edge to the middle in both colors and transparency. Colors that don’t blend well and/or abrupt solid to transparent will not work IMHO. You see some that have a solid black edge and then a solid red band to a yellow transparency at the middle. Those look horrible to me. Btw, 6 of my 11 guitars are bursts.

  15. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody Sound
    Gibson went wild here and there with greenbursts. No thanks.

    I've never seen anything like that before. Thanks for sharing this.

    I rather like it in a weird way. I think that green is a difficult color for guitars. You'd have to go with a much darker green and natural color to maybe make this work. I agree that this looks a bit tacky, especially with the bright white binding in the f-holes.
    I think that replacing the gold hardware with chrome would help this guitar a lot.
    Starting over with a darker green/natural color and with darker, more cream colored binding (no binding in the f-holes) might work better.

  16. #40

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    I like these Borys sunbursts

    subtle ….

    What makes a sunburst good?-img_5435-jpegWhat makes a sunburst good?-img_5434-jpegWhat makes a sunburst good?-img_5436-jpeg

  17. #41

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    Quote Originally Posted by HiFi Mule2Ride
    That is one sweet looking LP Custom. If that is yours, congratulations. If it sounds as good as it looks it is a keeper most definitely.
    Duane Allman’s 1959 Les Paul standard in tobacco burst was the first burst that caught my eye years ago.
    It was one we sold a few years ago. It was a sweet one.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. #42

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    You guys take some great guitar pictures. One of these days I’m gonna have to figure out how to do that

    This one is the subtlest and I think the prettiest of mine
    What makes a sunburst good?-img_1126-jpg

    What makes a sunburst good?-img_1131-jpg

    Close second - I really like the way it shows the grain detail and a hint of figuring in the alder.
    What makes a sunburst good?-img_1123-jpg

    I this one is the least subtle of the bunch, but I like it too.
    What makes a sunburst good?-img_1132-jpg

    What makes a sunburst good?-img_1133-jpg

  19. #43

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    I think the modern Gibsons have a little bit less attractive of a sunburst than they did in the 20s-30s but they look great in the right light.

    What makes a sunburst good?-img_9658-jpgWhat makes a sunburst good?-img_9647-jpg

  20. #44

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    A very gentle burst on my Tim Bram:

    What makes a sunburst good?-img_20230601_120527-jpgWhat makes a sunburst good?-pxl_20230414_184436481-jpgWhat makes a sunburst good?-pxl_20230414_184527271-jpg

  21. #45

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    A Tal in all it’s fiery glory

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  22. #46

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    I know this is a jazz forum, but I've always liked the sunburst on my (dearly departed) '61 Custom Telecaster.

    What makes a sunburst good?-61-telecaster-custom-jpg

  23. #47

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    ANd in a different vein, loved this'46 Gibson SJ burst.

    What makes a sunburst good?-46-gibson-sj-3875-jpg

  24. #48

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    Ok, I better post an archtop to make up for the non-jazz guitars.

    Another one that got away, a late '60's L5CES.

    What makes a sunburst good?-gibson-l5ces-68-close-up-4-jpg

  25. #49

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    Everyone's idea of a great looking sunburst is different. However, my all time favorite is the burst applied to my custom ordered Heritage H525. It has just the right amount of brown-reddish-yellow burst for my taste.
    Heritage's Marv Lamb built it for me and I'm almost certain he sprayed it.

  26. #50

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    Although I love my mahogany guitars, the maple looks mighty good in foliage burst.
    What makes a sunburst good?-6e2d42cd-b5ba-4649-a03a-8065aa5682d8-jpegWhat makes a sunburst good?-3e1be07f-5fed-4f97-8b15-4c7cadd80eea-jpgWhat makes a sunburst good?-73f09a57-6416-45d1-8b9d-e71b2221d8b7-jpg