This is an amazing video about the equally amazing MoonDial album and how it was inspired by and created with his new Manzer baritone guitar. I've just listened to the album for the first time and I felt like I was hearing something very special.
07-28-2024 04:22 PM
I pre-ordered the LP when it was announced. Been listening on Qobuz up until Friday when the LP arrived. We think it's a beautiful recording, period.
Cool but is there a more affordable alternative? - Manzer Baritone Guitar...
Originally Posted by Mick-7
Kind of ironic how guitarists are going into the lower ranges on nylons, and bassists are going into the higher ranges on nylons.
Two Words: Brahms Guitar. You get George v Eps LOW A. And you get Lenny Breau’s High A.
The best of both worlds, proper intonation provided by the fanned frets.
Originally Posted by Jim Soloway
Originally Posted by Navdeep_Singh
Originally Posted by Mick-7
Can I get some help with string gauges for a sort of Metheny baritone setup?
Originally Posted by Mick-7
Originally Posted by Navdeep_Singh
Originally Posted by Jim Soloway
I got mine in 2019 from Mr. Woodhouse for $5k USD (based on current exchange rage).
For my money, Paul Galbraith is one of the greatest musicians around. Very nice guy. My teacher had all his students go see him. He said if he was starting classical guitar again, he would go Paul’s route. Wasn’t sure how it work in a jazz context.
Now you are starring to see people play Brahms guitars in a solo-non classical context. Why not ? It’s just a tool.
Originally Posted by Jim Soloway
Originally Posted by Mick-7
Nice video of Pat explaining his guitar. I don’t think the so-called Brahms 8 string classical guitar that Paul Galbraith plays would not be a substitute that most guitarists could just readily play. (BTW, Paul is indeed a fantastic classical guitarist if by chance you have never heard of him). The Brahms 8 string he plays is played like a cellist holds his instrument and the tuning is not what Pat uses if that is important to you. I think Jim’s suggestion of the Godin baritone is a good one for a high quality baritone.
Harley Benton, maker of cheap but surprisingly good guitars, sells a steel string baritone (CLG-414BCE NT) with a fishman pickup for under 300usd although figure an extra 100 to ship to US or CAN.
Hmm, seems I misinterpreted what Pat Metheny was saying. I thought he was suggesting that the Manzer guitar is in some way structurally different than other baritone guitars, but it is not.
Originally Posted by Mick-7
In his explanation, I believe he was saying that it's different from the guitar he used on the previous solo albums because it's nylon string rather than steel. Structurally, I don't think there's a lot of significance to his tuning other than the scale length. I think that was chosen as a sweet spot for his tuning: long enough to support an A to A tuning on the outer strings but not so long that he couldn't achieve the inner tunings. She may have a done some other tuning things to make it sound good in that tuning but really I think you could achieve the tuning on any baritone with a scale length between 26.5" (maybe even as short as 26.125") and 28.75". Taylor make both 6 string and 8 string baritones that are 27". (The 8 string uses a pair of double course strings. That would definitely have some guitar specific engineering).
Well, the used manzer cost 200 times more than my goodwill conn c200. But I am skeptical it sounds, plays or even looks that magnitude better. Of even two or three times for that matter. Is that how much they actually cost or is the seller saying its the model metheny plays so theres a $12000 or whatever premium?
Originally Posted by Brian859
Okay. Thanks I guess. I mean you can get a really good sounding and well made classical for considerably less. I get that its a baritone, but near $20k is eye watering. As in I would cry if I paid that.
Originally Posted by Brian859
Originally Posted by Jim Soloway
Originally Posted by Brian859
Thanks. So I had to go to youtube to check them out. She is in a lot of videos with great admirers of her guitars, including metheny. But they dont hardly play them, they all just sit around saying how great they are. Ill take their word for it though. .
And Julian Lage. And of course there's this, which must've been a ton of work:
Originally Posted by Brian859
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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