The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #26
    I had always read that you should always practice with a metronome, but didn't bother as I thought I didn't need to. I recently decided to try and was amazed at the effort it took to remain precisely in time! Not only did I learn about keeping in time, but it forced me to slow down to a tempo that allowed me to play the melody without pausing.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Narrow your focus on the precise jazz style or stylists that turn you on.
    Tune everything else out. Don't be afraid to ignore 99.9% of all the advice you will read about (including this post!).

  4. #28

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    Always make sure to be mad at theory. This will make you more musical.
    Last edited by Bobby Timmons; 08-20-2024 at 12:15 PM.

  5. #29

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    Spend less time practicing and more time arguing on JGO, obviously.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #30

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    #1 Most Important - Confidence And Playing with Others
    Don't wait or worry thinking you need to be "good enough" to practice, rehearse, play with, or perform with others - that's missing the fastest way to learning what is most important; get doing those things now.

    #2 Practice Focus On Your Ear
    Listen to tunes, remember how they go, recognize the sounds of their chord types and progression changes, and melodies, then play them... not being able to do this now is irrelevant; practice means you keep trying until you learn how.
    Develop the habit of practicing until you hear the discovery of something new, then explore ways to make it musically useful, remember that, experiment with application in other tunes.

    #3 Theory
    Always make sure to be mad at theory.

  7. #31

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    Quote Originally Posted by raylinds View Post
    I had always read that you should always practice with a metronome, but didn't bother as I thought I didn't need to. I recently decided to try and was amazed at the effort it took to remain precisely in time! Not only did I learn about keeping in time, but it forced me to slow down to a tempo that allowed me to play the melody without pausing.
    If you get bored or annoyed by the metronome, iRealpro and drumgenius are good alternatives.

  8. #32
    To steal a tagline from Nike- Just do it! I have never been a morning person. No matter what time I go to bed or how much sleep I get, I hate getting out of bed in the morning. I finally realized the hard part was getting out of bed. Once I did, I was fine and ready to go.

    Sometimes I do not feel like practicing, so I just pick up my guitar. Once it is in my hand, I am ready to play. Even if it is just a half an hour, it helps!

  9. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by John A. View Post
    If you get bored or annoyed by the metronome, iRealpro and drumgenius are good alternatives.
    I am looking into those- thanks!

  10. #34

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    Record yourself, and listen back to it.

  11. #35

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    Quote Originally Posted by AJLo View Post
    Record yourself, and listen back to it.
    Great advice! The learning process becomes so much more enjoyable, especially when you have all the support you need. I discovered that when I was dealing with my studies. I decided to use, and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. The assistance I received not only made the workload more manageable but also allowed me to really engage with the material and enjoy the journey

    Last edited by benhatchins; 08-27-2024 at 05:16 AM.