Threads 1 to 50 of 769
The L5 Studio model is probably the closest to owning a L5. I saw one on Reverb. Looks barely played As I favored it the owner sent me an offer of $5,000 + $100 shipping. Its been up for sale for 7...
Hi Mark, beautifully played as always. Stillness and pause are great allies! And the very occasional slightly bum note (ie, misfretted, never inharmonious) doesn't detract one iota, for me anyway....
I second this experience!
Hi! i have alot of music on my iPad in Forescore. I recently starter to work with a vocalist that owns the real vocal book v2 low voices and I want to download a pdf of that book. Can’t find it....
At least one did. Chase Maddox, one of the better YouTube jazz guitar instructors bought one:
V. much agree with that. Really good book for position playing. Over too soon though so you need other stuff. Never really thought of the David Baker/Jerry Coker books as reading, more lick...
Thanks. I think I prefer the Hofner shape but I have enough material to make one of each. Good point about covering the f hole but I like the traditional look and I'm not sure if a bespoke shape...
I'll be re-installing the pickup that was originally installed on the guitar, modifying it to a pickguard mount. It's a full-sized, shallow humbucker. Good point about mass. The new neck has...
Please keep posting, be ause I probably wouldn't be here without you. Thank you and may God always bless you. Request....can you do Christmas Time is Here?
All great stuff and very challenging reading.
Need to buy real vocal book vol 2 low voices
Today, 07:14 AM in Ear Training, Transcribing & Reading