This whole thing makes me recall way back when still thinking about music.
Each and every nuance of what you hear, every little nuance carries a message.
In music, it is everything. AI will never do that. But the humans, also not.
There is a myriad of details in music that all can convey a message. AI can never do that, it's like a chess in 5th dimension. Humans almost never care.
AI will win because humans don't care enough.
06-12-2024 08:15 PM
I guess there's nothing to do about advancing technology except to embrace it. I've been using drum tracks almost since I started playing music. This AI song generation is an extension of that.
For that matter, computers put a lot of typists, bookkeepers, secretaries... etc. out of business. What are you going to do, not use a computer?
I'll keep doing my thing with music, writing and recording songs without the AI. I think it's human nature to want to create.
It's just for self-gratification anyways. For me, improvising over jazz standards, is total self-gratification in that most folks are just not interested in listening to that. If I wanted to do something that others are interested in, I'd be playing covers of classic rock and/or country (and I have done that).
There was a whole industry called pre-press that was almost entirely shut down by Photoshop, Quark and desktop scanners in a matter of a few years. Look what DAW did to recording studios, and what happened to dark rooms and film processors.
Thing is, even if AI generates a piece of music someone still has to listen to the client, prompt the software, offer for approval, make adjustments, distribute the goods, invoice for it, etc. People in business like to do business with people, but that'll probably change too.
Originally Posted by ccroft
Originally Posted by ccroft
I guess I'm thinking of medium and small sized business.
What will happen, or has already happened, is that businesses that need music will bring the creative in house, rather than calling a music producer. This happened a lot in graphic design. 'We're spending a lot on graphics. Why don't we just get Sue to do it. She's good with color and computers'. The quality of the work suffers.
AI will make a much better Sue.
I'll gladly watch Rick's interviews, they're great, but here he's getting dazzled and worked up about a bunch of repackaged clichés with slick productions. Much ado....
Just look at what happened to recorded music with the piracy and streaming era. It is now practically free, and there's no way for the average professional musician to earn back the money an album costs from any kind of sales. Any money to be made go to Spotify basically.
The analogy to recording studios is very spot on. Twenty years ago you needed a tremendous financial investment and lots of difficult to acquire knowledge to achieve a professional sound at home (remember 10k$ per stereo input protools cards?). These days you need a laptop and a sound card. You used to do everything in studios, jingles, theater music, commercials, demos.. then gradually it made sense to do it all at home. These days almost everything is done at home studios except pro albums, if even, and studios are a dying bread.
The same will happen with AI music. Most of commercial and today well paid similar music jobs, scoring, composing, ads, etc.. will be done by AI, so the big corps will get the money, and the services will be devalued. Only the more demanding jobs will require an intermediate musician or programmer. And even normal music that you hear on the radio and streaming platforms nowadays , most is it is so awful AI would only improve it!
Originally Posted by fep
I'm in a techno duo and AI won't effect us at all. We like funky middle eastern techno.
Originally Posted by Stevebol
Originally Posted by RJVB
80/20 Strings
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