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View Poll Results: Your Social Media usage other than JGO

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  • Nothing except JGO

    13 30.95%
  • Total of all others still less than JGO

    4 9.52%
  • Total of all others about the same as JGO

    5 11.90%
  • Total of all others a little more than JGO

    6 14.29%
  • Total of others a LOT more than JGO

    14 33.33%
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  1. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by princeplanet
    A good number of the members on this forum are no slouches either, it must be said. One of he reasons I'll come here. There's been more than a few robust debates on many off topics too which I appreciate. I just came from a couple of minutes on Reddit, to see what the world is saying about the Kanye - Piers Morgan interview. After a few "OMG, Kanye is a legend/genius/bravest truth teller of all time etc..." I realised there was no intelligent discussion to be found there. I'm sure if I looked harder I can find something with a pulse elsewhere, or I could start a thread right here and no doubt read some surprisingly insightful comments weighing in on both sides.... until it gets canned
    You mean canceled? After Kanye is canceled I want to cancel California for stealing water;


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevebol
    You mean canceled? After Kanye is canceled I want to cancel California for stealing water;

    I heard he's going to have to change his name to Kan'tye.

  4. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Jeff
    I heard he's going to have to change his name to Kan'tye.
    He got dumped by Kim and went off the rails.

  5. #29

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  6. #30

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    Nothing. I don’t use Facebook or Twitter. A waste of time. Even this place is dull much of the time. It hasn’t been the same since 2015.

  7. #31

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    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick
    100 million here, 100 million there... after awhile it starts to add up into some real money.

  8. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick
    Ari Emanuel's brother is Rahm, former mayor of Chicago. Kanye is from Chicago too. Hmm...

  9. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by ChazFromCali
    100 million here, 100 million there... after awhile it starts to add up into some real money.
    After you lose the wife, the kids, all your money, you're ready to be a real Californian.

  10. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevebol
    Ari Emanuel's brother is Rahm, former mayor of Chicago. Kanye is from Chicago too. Hmm...

    Many people are from Chicago, including Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jordan, Harrison Ford, Robin Williams, Tina Fey, Bill Murray, Kim Novak and John Cusack.

  11. #35

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    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick

    Many people are from Chicago, including Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jordan, Harrison Ford, Robin Williams, Tina Fey, Bill Murray, Kim Novak and John Cusack.
    I used to live near Chicago. Evanston and Waukegan.

    This is who I'm worried about;

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange - Wikipedia

  12. #36

    User Info Menu

    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick

    Many people are from Chicago, including Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jordan, Harrison Ford, Robin Williams, Tina Fey, Bill Murray, Kim Novak and John Cusack.
    Kari Lake is from the Chicago area. She's a grifter;

    Kari Lake - Wikipedia

  13. #37

    User Info Menu

    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick

    Many people are from Chicago, including Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jordan, Harrison Ford, Robin Williams, Tina Fey, Bill Murray, Kim Novak and John Cusack.
    Rust belt is rust belt. It's all the same. Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo. To some extent Milwaukee.

  14. #38

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    Kanye is on probation. Musicians are all he has now. I'm 20 years older than him. I have no dog in this hunt.
    He ran away a long time ago.

  15. #39

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    Who cares, Hasn't this loser gotten enough attention already??

  16. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by wintermoon
    Who cares, Hasn't this loser gotten enough attention already??
    It doesn't matter what I think of his music. He's the voice of a generation to a lot of people.

  17. #41

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevebol
    It doesn't matter what I think of his music. He's the voice of a generation to a lot of people.
    You mean a lost generation?

  18. #42

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    Kanye wouldn't name names but it's Ari Emanuel. Emanuel is a good for nothing with no background in music.

  19. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2bornot2bop
    You mean a lost generation?
    I never really listened to him before.

    I can't relate to the lyrics. It's entertainment. His fans have been called disingenuous and incels. These days he's behaving like an incel.
    Trump loved the poorly educated but now he's not lying. Careful what you wish for.

    I'll stick to my older music.
    Last edited by Stevebol; 10-31-2022 at 10:01 PM.

  20. #44
    I remember hinting on this forum before 2016 that Trump might actually get to be President. No one took it seriously, it was simply unimaginable at the time. Now we have Kanye making a move in the same direction. Lord help us.

  21. #45

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    Kanye has gone full David Lynch.

    It's Chinatown, Ye.

  22. #46

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    Quote Originally Posted by princeplanet
    I remember hinting on this forum before 2016 that Trump might actually get to be President. No one took it seriously, it was simply unimaginable at the time. Now we have Kanye making a move in the same direction. Lord help us.
    Everything is falling apart anyway. President Ye. The jackass.

  23. #47

    User Info Menu

    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick

    Many people are from Chicago, including Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jordan, Harrison Ford, Robin Williams, Tina Fey, Bill Murray, Kim Novak and John Cusack.
    Break out the popcorn. This is getting good;

  24. #48

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    Quote Originally Posted by wintermoon
    Who cares, Hasn't this loser gotten enough attention already??
    Rap isn't music. Bands can't compete with it economically. Rap is entertainment.
    Entertain me, rap.

  25. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by princeplanet
    I remember hinting on this forum before 2016 that Trump might actually get to be President. No one took it seriously, it was simply unimaginable at the time. Now we have Kanye making a move in the same direction. Lord help us.
    It doesn't matter who the president is. Drugs won the war on drugs so open up the borders.

  26. #50

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    Quote Originally Posted by princeplanet
    Now we have Kanye making a move in the same direction. Lord help us.
    But you gave the House of Lords the boot almost 240 years ago...!