I've been checking GC fairly regularly for es-335's (semi-toying with the idea of trading in my D'A semi for some flavor of gibson semi); this is the first time I've seen that one listed. I doubt...
telejw - Don't give yourself over to crazy theories, just play in a way that comes naturally to you. There's no such thing as a 'default position'.
Yes that's a good quality demo by them. There are older ones as well. I only wish that one was longer, the playing and sound are great and spot on with what I experience as well. Definitely better...
I think this is one from the Guitars N' Jazz Youtube site.
Just playing something is one thing, pushing the record button changes things. I know I never play quite the same way when the record button is on. And it's never usually for the better because...
It’s an intriguing approach, using barring by default, and I can see its utility for sure, having used it on occasional for arrangements. Lately, however, my approach is more on melody and less on...
That may have worked back when people were still buying albums, but now with streaming there's little income there either! In fact many acts consider albums to be promotion for the tour, where they...
I hold zero trust with them. I “chatted” about a half dozen times with them regarding condition and terms, The best I got was I could exercise my right to return it within 45 days if dissatisfied. I...
Mick Goodrick used to teach a system where (talking degrees of the scale) between 1357, 1257, 1347 and 1247 one covers pretty much all playable voicings on the guitar. Sus chords, triads over bass...
Drop 2 and 4 are great sounding chords. The interval gap between both pairs of notes create distinct sounding chords. Pasquale Grasso uses them a lot and teaches them, in a fundamental sense. I...
When I looked there aren’t as many as this is a custom spec model by just one vendor. I’m playing a lot more classical now, but I could see if I can make a little video demo. It wouldn’t be anything...
If you want to mute the henriksen speaker while using an external cab, plug a trs connector into the headphone jack. You can plug actual headphones, or a cable leading to nowhere or (what I do) just...
150 Hit Songs of 1966
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