The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  1. #1

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    I am a piano player trapped in a guitar player's body. I love piano, and I especially love McCoy. His time feel and the assertiveness with which he plays is amazing. Turns out, it's also very hard to do on guitar lol. But I'm happy with how this came out.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Watched this earlier.

    Nice one.

  4. #3

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    Good lord man

  5. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by BreckerFan
    I am a piano player trapped in a guitar player's body. I love piano, and I especially love McCoy. His time feel and the assertiveness with which he plays is amazing. Turns out, it's also very hard to do on guitar lol. But I'm happy with how this came out.
    What, Adam Rogers was not hard enough for you?!

    FYI, in this forum, "sadism" is defined as transcribing a piece like that and not providing us with a copy of your transcription.

  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick-7
    What, Adam Rogers was not hard enough for you?!

    FYI, in this forum, "sadism" is defined as transcribing a piece like that and not providing us with a copy of your transcription.
    Actually, in this cats case, sadism is defined as providing us a copy of his transcription but its handwritten and illegible

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by pamosmusic
    Actually, in this cats case, sadism is defined as providing us a copy of his transcription but its handwritten and illegible
    Busted lol

    My piano transcriptions are particularly bad because I put everything on one staff lol. I may post it later, purely for entertainment.

    But if the law of lead sheets applies, the less you can read it, the more jazz it is