Most people think this was about doing drugs late into the morning. It's actually about having song writers block late into the morning. Robert Lamm was having a horrible time. So he decided to write a song right there about the problems of writing a song. The key to understanding this is the line that is repeated "Searching for something to say."
Waiting for the break of day
Searching for something to say
Dancing lights against the sky
Giving up I close my eyes
Sitting cross-legged on the floor
25 or 6 to 4
Staring blindly into space
Getting up to splash my face
Wanting just to stay awake
Wondering how much I can take
Should have tried to do some more
25 or 6 to 4
Feeling like I ought to sleep
Spinning room is sinking deep
Searching for something to say
Waiting for the break of day
25 or 6 to 4
25 or 6 to 4
Little touches that I love...the last two lines mirror the first two.
Early Chicago was SOOOO good.
That guitar solo ain't bad.
I’ve never know what those numbers refer to: 25, 6 to 4? Am I missing something obvious.
side note: there was a cool documentary about Terry's daughter searching for his guitars including his iconic Tele but it seems to have disapperared.
I imagine most fans have seen this concert which is pretty phenomenal, but in case you missed it.....
Originally Posted by
25 or 26 minutes to 4 AM
My usual bedtime.
Live Sound Sample - Hutch L5 and 64 Vibrolux
Yesterday, 10:31 PM in Guitar, Amps & Gizmos