I went through the boatload of songs I recorded with the 12 fret steel string martin and put together an album. Why I picked those songs, who knows. Got most of the images from NASA. They are free. All songs were recorded using the tascam dr05. There is at least one using the internal mics, then some with the at822 stereo mic plugged into it and several with the mic plugged into a pos presonus duel tube pre then into the dr05. No computer, eq, or anything else was used except the reverb in the recorder.
Song starts:
Last edited by Brian859; 10-15-2023 at 06:33 PM.
Nice tones. I only spot listened. Are these your compositions? How did you multi track with a DR 05? I thought the DR 05 was a field recorder?
Thanks. Yes, I wrote all songs and have many many more. I just sit down, work out something for the backing track, then record that with the dr05 rig. The dr05, which basically is a field recorder, does have an overdud feature. I then do a quick playback to determine what scale its in. I then record with the overdub feature a lead/melody (hopefully) over the backing track. I monitor it all via the headphone jack with a cheap set of panisonic earbud that actually sound decent. I typically do one, maybe two takes and once in a blue moon three. (The third take rarely is any good and most on that album are probably first takes) And thats it. From start to finish, its about 8 minutes or so to write/record a song. I have boatloads of them.
Interesting I own a DR 05. Have used only for recording rehearsals will have to look at that overdub feature
Try it out. It works well. The only downside it adds a little more noise with each overdud on a song. I have done two on a song a couple times and its not to bad.. After you have a track, all you have to do is go to the main menu, then go to "other", and select "monitor mix". Then turn the input on. I like to boost the gain 6 or 7 points for the overdub. Once you hit the record button, ovedub on or off will pop up. Just hit on and you will be overdubbing. Other is where you can add reverb as well.
Last edited by Brian859; 10-21-2023 at 06:43 PM.
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