View Poll Results: Do you constantly hear music playing in your head?
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Yes, only music I've heard before
6 6.59% -
Yes, both my own musical ideas and music I've heard before
65 71.43% -
Yes, only my musical ideas
1 1.10% -
19 20.88%
Whether it's music you've heard previously, or your own ideas, is it playing constantly in the background (or foreground)?
Let's exclude music heard in dreams for now, though that's also an interesting topic.
01-18-2023 10:48 AM
Yes... All the time. Tunes I know and improv ideas I'm thinking about.
In addition to "hearing" them in my head I often also do what I call a "silent" whistle when I'm thinking about a tune or idea. I blow breath through my mouth while shaping it to get a breathy sounding note. Anyone else do that?
Almost constantly. Actually, I'm taking a solo in my head over Joy Spring as I type this.
Not constantly, but often. Mostly music I've heard.
Every day, every night, when I'm sleeping, cooking, eating, making love, farting, shitting, speaking, playing music, walking, singing, dancing, dying...
All is about music but I don't talk about it, I don't like talking about my job.
Right now it's Gugudan. I blame their boots.
Yes, but it's often drowned out by the Voices.
Only when I press play.
I screwed this poll up, it should have been public.
I see dead people.
But that's not a bad thing, cuz there's one guy who's got a Real Book and I can look over his shoulder and read the charts at jams and nobody knows I'm reading the changes.
Yep - either piobaireachd, or the last jazz song/album that grabbed me.
Originally Posted by northernbreed
Originally Posted by Jimmy blue note
I've got an ear worm. Piece keeps playing over and over. It's John Cage's 4'33"
A few days ago I was doing carts at Walmart, thinking about Moon River and Jeff Beck dying and I started to cry. These latina high school chicks started calling me a bitch so I had to cut it out. :P
Originally Posted by Jimmy blue note
Originally Posted by Jimmy Smith
Not constantly but quite often. I call it the 'song for the day' and it's not always something I want replaying over and over in my head.
Originally Posted by Stevebol
I shouldn't do this...but I will. A friend of mine will often send me YouTube links during the day as he works from home and as far as I can tell, doesn't do much...most of the time it's good stuff, but occasionally he'll try and Rickroll me or send me an intentionally bad but catchy song.
And oh did he burn me today. Manilow's "Mandy."
And now it's in your heads too...
Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
Originally Posted by lammie200
My current earworm is the song 5 o'clock world
Only while I'm working on a tune. When it's done it leaves me. But that doesn't only apply to music, the brain will continue to be occupied with any ongoing issue till it's resolved.
Originally Posted by JohnoL
Constantly? No. Often? Yes.
New things I’m writing, new things I’m learning and old stuff. Sometimes I’ll wake in the night with something on repeat. Just the other night it was Jackson Browne’s Doctor My Eyes. I’m not even much of a Jackson Browne fan.
What the heck....
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