Not jazz strictly speaking, but close enough Been writing some acoustic tunes lately, maybe I'll record them when studios reopen. It will either be a two guitars thing, or a guitar violin duo (or something in between)..
So here's one of them, a video is one way to remember how I played it couple of months from now..
03-17-2021 06:18 PM
That's a very nice tune, with spirited melody line playing. And it's yours I think that point is severely underrated in this forum (100+ views and no comments).
Yes, I'm off my soapbox already.
Lovely, Alter. You'll be playing it better in that couple of months too.
(Maybe the lead needs to be a little louder).
So have you returned to this tune now? It's about a couple of months.
Originally Posted by Peter C
And not at all by the way, this piece is a wonderful composition. I am frankly envious, in a good way.
What the heck....
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