The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #1

    User Info Menu

    It takes time to compose something worthwhile and perform it so we shouldn't expect the thread to be deluged immediately (unless you've got lots of stuff in the closet bursting to get out!)

    But hopefully we can keep it going and enjoy it. Quality rather than quantity...

    I haven't got anything myself yet, but it's brewing


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

    User Info Menu

    Nice one, ragman. I kept expecting Chet Baker to step up to the mic.

  4. #3

    User Info Menu

    The song is many years old and the video is a few years old. But I think it holds up fairly well. Further, it's about writing.

    No mic (except on the webcam), no amp. Lo-fi in the extreme.

    Made this video unplugged and with no mic. Since I got a Tele for Christmas, I'm playing some of my old songs. Might give this one an electrified re-do. Still like it.
    Last edited by MarkRhodes; 01-16-2020 at 01:44 PM.

  5. #4

    User Info Menu


    Thank you for mine, even if it is a bit like 15 rounds with Mike Tyson :-)

    Nice one, Mark. Just an old rocker after all :-)
    Last edited by ragman1; 04-16-2017 at 04:17 PM.

  6. #5

    User Info Menu

    Here's one I haven't put up yet.
    Last edited by christianm77; 04-16-2017 at 06:42 PM.

  7. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hep To The Jive
    Good stuff, gents!

    here's one of mine recently recorded
    Lovely tune, really sounds like a lonely weekend!

  8. #7

    User Info Menu

    This is great, guys, off to a flying start. I knew you could do it!

    Thanks - not for me, for you!

  9. #8

    User Info Menu


    Every song was nice, so far. Beautiful voices, voicings, and arrangements. And there were some nice rhythm sections in there, too. I hope some of you have copyrights on your work. I could very easily hear any of the songs in a movie soundtrack.

  10. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by christianm77
    Good grief a jazz waltz with - whatwhatwhatwhat? - JAZZ FLUTE???? Where is Hep and what have you done with him?

    Wasn't expecting that, great tune!
    haha, nice, thanks! Well, I wasn't Hep back then yet... the tune is recorded recently, but it was composed years ago, before I got into the whole Gypsy/Hot jazz thing. I was more open minded at the time, and the funny thing I wasn't playing any jazz seriously, nor did I thought I could. My jazz college education aside, I never aspired to be a jazz man.

  11. #10

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    This is really old. mid-90's. I had a Fostex reel, drum machine, standup bass, classical guitar. I did it fast;

  12. #11

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    Stevebol -

    That was excellent. Lot of talent here, isn't there?

  13. #12

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    This is stupid. I was messing with some psy-trance learning to use a soft-synth;

  14. #13

    User Info Menu

    I was learning to use a computer and Sibelius with this. It's maybe 2002;

  15. #14

    User Info Menu

    More mouse music.

  16. #15

    User Info Menu

    Here 's one of mine played by a trio

    and another one based on the diminished scale

    Last edited by Alter; 04-17-2017 at 07:39 AM.

  17. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevebol

    More mouse music.
    It all sounds good.

  18. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alter
    Here 's one of mine played by a trio

    Very nice, Alter, lovely.

  19. #18

    User Info Menu

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevebol
    This is really old. mid-90's. I had a Fostex reel, drum machine, standup bass, classical guitar. I did it fast;

    Nice! I thought you were a funk/R&B guy? This is a very good guitar playing with strong Gypsy vibe, what gives? Were you playing Django before going disco ?

  20. #19

    User Info Menu

    First tune I wrote:

    A blast from the fusioney past:

    The acoustic version

  21. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hep To The Jive
    Nice! I thought you were a funk/R&B guy? This is a very good guitar playing with strong Gypsy vibe, what gives? Were you playing Django before going disco ?
    I am! That stuff is gone. It's a fine line between swing and funk. If you can do one you can do the other. I was trying to do a Grappelli meets bop thing on that one.

  22. #21

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    I'm loving the submissions so far!

    here's one...

  23. #22

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    Wrote this little sketch when I started playing guitar again in 2011. At the time I was looking for a way to combine some contemporary sounds with what I thought of as "bebop". I felt that I was sailing very close to "smooth Jazz" and also that I couldn't cut the changes. I never finished this tune.
    I stopped writing and started learning about playing changes and where bebop came from. I'm still learning!
    This was on my GB10 (long gone)

  24. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philco
    Wrote this little sketch when I started playing guitar again in 2011. At the time I was looking for a way to combine some contemporary sounds with what I thought of as "bebop". I felt that I was sailing very close to "smooth Jazz" and also that I couldn't cut the changes. I never finished this tune.
    I stopped writing and started learning about playing changes and where bebop came from. I'm still learning!
    This was on my GB10 (long gone)

    Nice groove. Who'd you do the drums?

  25. #24

    User Info Menu

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevebol
    Nice groove. Who'd you do the drums?
    Thanks Steve. I've been collecting loops for years and because I do a lot of production I have just about every drum plugin available.
    Live drums......and some other humans........would take this idea to another place for sure but this version is all programmed.

  26. #25
    joaopaz Guest
    Just finished listening to it all. There's some amazing tracks in here that I for sure wouldn't mind to buy in a CD. Some tunes were really captivating. Will need to go and listen to some a few times more - sorry for not commenting (yet) any particular tune, it was either that or listening!

    Great thread, Ragman! And both your tunes are just beautiful