Here is a little songwriting story.
09-07-2024 12:57 PM
Considering how many songs have been written, music that has been created, that few, if any, will ever hear for one reason or another, the answer to the question "What is your favorite song?" could easily and honestly be answered by "I don't know because I haven't heard it yet".
People don't listen to music with the same passion as they once did---kind of sad.
Originally Posted by captmars
This is the view from my hometown's Olympic Stadium to the mountain outside in the Olympic Park -- Taylor Swift concert a few weeks ago. This went on for three days. Same with Coldplay a week later (only the last day drowned a little in rain). If you heard the stadium and the whole mountain singing you would not have said what you said above.
BTW: With such a crowd of followers I can see why Trump(ists) fear(s) Swift(ies) LOL. Which gives me hope for the course of humankind.
Thanks for this ---maybe there is some hope. Kent
Live Sound Sample - Hutch L5 and 64 Vibrolux
Today, 10:31 PM in Guitar, Amps & Gizmos