Your reading comprehension was just fine through the first few sentences of his post but then he said, "In fact, if I understand it now, the quarter note stays exactly the same. The bar is 3.5...
Actually, we clarified earlier in this conversation that we're describing the strategies we use to practice improvisation, which may be (probably are) different than those we use when we're actually...
lower bout is 10.75 upper bout is 14.5 don't really have anything to measure the fretboard radius i would say its a rounded c neck.
The converse is also true. There's a local sax player with incredible technique whose solos are a deft interweaving of nothing but bebop cliches and he may as well be playing along to an Aebersold...
It’s nice when you mirror them at the tritone. Duncan Lamont had a whole bunch of scales like that. The 7b5-dim do be like that Do re mi fa, up a half step do re mi fa Sent from my iPhone...
Oh man … yeah … guitarists intro to jazz approaches scales using tetrachord fingerings. I’ll reread it. I remember thinking “oh that’s so smart” and then getting distracted by a shinier object.
Dunno about Randy Vincent. I pinched the idea from the Arabic music theory and 18th century solfeggio. They used to sing Do re mi fa sol re mi Fa, for a scale dontchaknow…. Mi fa always on the...
tetrachords and pentachords refer to the arrangement of scale steps in a four or five note group. like a major scale from the root is W W h but from the third it’s h W W. There are a limited...
Similarly, there are a thousand videos showing CAGED, Berklee and 3NPS scales with the standard shifts or stretches incorporating fingers 1-4 yet I can't recall any that discuss in detail how players...
I saw a YouTube short on pentachords. Seemed cool but it was for piano and I’m too lazy to move it to guitar. I’m finally getting a hang on the chord/diminished harmony.
I was just thinking I need to reread that bit of Randy Vincent which is the third or fourth time I’ve said that to myself in the last few weeks and I’ve yet to do it
I’m not that far gone yet but give it six months. All hail the algorithm! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m just laying in the couch at the end of Thanksgiving Holiday passing the time.
Sure But they are also flexible enough to allow lots of different scale fingerings. Tbh small units are better. I was tempted to make a vid on pentachords and tetrachords which is the next step...
Tim Bram Tribute thinline archtop jazz guitar
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