Originally Posted by lawson-stone
05-20-2024 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by AllanAllen
Over the years. (thus not the original release).
Originally Posted by jameslovestal
Yeah, buddy.... you can't just cut out the part you don't agree with by tossing in an ellipse. The quote continues to say the ballad feel came after lyrics were added. My point being, it was a ballad first.
Now I'm wondering if Lawson was saying it went uptempo after the ballads success and I'm interpreting him wrong.
I'm just saying that Garner's own performances don't uniformly match the "slow tender ballad" description. Even when the tempo is slow, the ornamentation, substitutions, fills, and variations on phrases go far beyond what the Keepers of the Flame on here think is canonical Misty. I notice that generally, the better someone plays, the more flexible and imaginative they become about how even the great tunes can be treated. It's the beginners and middling players (like me!) who are often excessively fixated on a single type of performance of a given tune.
Originally Posted by Yka59
Originally Posted by lawson-stone
Originally Posted by jameslovestal
Originally Posted by jameslovestal
^ Calm down with the straw manning of the entire thread there. ragman said that. To my reading, everyone else explained their taste about the issue without drawing a line or saying it was a bad rendition by a bad player.
Last edited by Bobby Timmons; 05-21-2024 at 03:04 PM.
People play ATTYA faster than the Parker Gillespie version?
I’m always amazed at the bubble I’m in.
Originally Posted by AllanAllen
Originally Posted by AllanAllen
Originally Posted by AllanAllen
And of course there is the VERSE.
What are those guitar free standing guitar stands...
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