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  1. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by pamosmusic
    He would’ve specified “power” or “small.”
    Maybe. If he's a BB fan. I don't know his sports preferences. I pretty much gave up on basketball and football years ago. I still follow baseball fairly closely, though. I don't expect to ever give up on that.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    I like play catch with the kids. No time to care about sports though. All my free time is guitar now.

    Wake up, get the kids to school, day job, kids come home, help with homework, dinner, dishes, exercise, bath time, story time, bed time, 2 hrs guitar… that’ll take me from 6:30am - 10pm five days a week.

    I live by routine. In a few months, their baseball season starts and my routine dies.

    Also, were you really confused by forward, or what?

  4. #28

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    Footy footy footy
    Ball ball ball

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #29

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    I wasn't confused, because I know that forward is not the correct word to use in that context. It's just my pedantic side overtaking my better judgement.