The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #101

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    Quote Originally Posted by pamosmusic
    This thread popped back up and I read it through and feel I should clarify, because Tim Lerch is the bomb.

    I really like this book and I think the concept is fantastic. Just meant that I don't quite think it's "chord patterns."

    Then again, do any of us really know what those are?
    I don't have the book but the texture he teaches is more chord-melody oriented rather than comping, I guess. There are also chord licks to further complicate the jargon:


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #102
    Studying arranging techniques is a great way to enhance your guitar playing. Arrangers often create chords on every note of a line, utilizing techniques like interpolating diminished chords or sliding in from a half step away.