Looking for a parlor size classical $700.or so or less.Any suggestions.
05-30-2024 06:01 PM
I hate to recommend Cordoba but they do have 1 or 2 guitars of that size. Whether they fit in your budget is a different question.
The closest you can probably get is a 7/8th size classical guitar.
If you in fact mean a parlour-sized nylon-stringer you could try to find an entry-level Dowina Bona Vida Hybrid. They used to be just above you budget I think, so maybe a used one will pop up. They seem like really fun instruments.
Thanks .Cordoba is everywhere.They kind of smother the shopping .probably are good guitars.But no deals anywhere thanks again.
Originally Posted by EarlBrother
Hanika is a more reliable, German brand that you could look into (their 7/8 models). A Torres model could fit the bill too but only the size-wise one I fear.
I am not very patient or very good at comparing or finding user observations on these.7/8 size classical guitars.But maybe some one here is.So the La Mancha,Cordoba,Alhambra have This size in my price range.Was wondering about which would have a more consistent build quality,playability and sound.or is there others.
Godin Motif, haven't played one of these, but I like the Godin brand:
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Last edited by Dave70; 08-22-2024 at 08:03 PM.
my 3/4 is an old Gianinni and is probably solid wood. found at thrift store foe 10.00 so i would like 7/8 size thanks
shipping to usa kills it.
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