The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  1. #1

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    I had this performance embedded in a review video of Aquila's Sugar strings, but a few people have persuaded me it deserves its own billing. It was just a bit of fun I rattled off in the video. I used to play it in restaurants when I was a student, and added in a few notes here and there.

    It's a flamenco guitar, played with no-nails technique - just to annoy the purists among us


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Excellent! I loved your added notes!

  4. #3

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    Cheers, Dave. It’s a fun piece to play.

  5. #4

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    Nice one Rob. I did this piece for my Trinity grade 7 exam. It's so beautiful it nearly plays itself.

  6. #5

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    Almost plays itself...

  7. #6

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    Annoying purists is one of life's subtler pleasures. I seem to have a knack for it. I can certainly recognize it - game relates to game - and applaud it.
    Well done, Sir, well done!

  8. #7

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    Seems to me you're the purist, annoying the Johnny-Come-Latelys. Except you're not, really, when it sounds that good.

  9. #8

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    I like the composer often more than the interpreter, Ron. That causes problems

  10. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob MacKillop
    I like the composer often more than the interpreter, Ron. That causes problems
    Hehe, ya think?

    I like to think myself that certain scores are meant to be displayed (in facsimile, on a period-appropriate stand) only, to look at and marvel at how wonderful it could sound.

    Those Sugar strings certainly have a bell-like quality to them. I'd be curious to know how different the effect would be with brass or bronze-wound lower strings. Aranjuez used to describe theirs as having a bell-like clarity and I think that's rather accurate.