12-02-2022 05:54 AM
Received some sad news yesterday so ended up in the music room, took out my Hanika 54PF and started playing some of my old Bach exam pieces.
I really can't describe the beauty of Bach's music. I've been largo-ing my way through some chorales on the 8 string but to play things like Gavotte 1 and the prelude in D on a nylon string is just unreal....and he wrote that stuff how long ago!!
I'll keep going and I may even post something here.....
Well, Bach was a genius and also a passionate man. A good partner when times are tough. Best wishes to you!
Well, why not? It’s a good program to follow, well-chosen pieces. Gives you a focus. Good luck!
I might suggest Lily Afshar’s “Essential Bach” that features many popular works that are reasonably guitaristic. The interesting aspect here is her legato fingering. It does require 4 to 5 fret stretches in spots but even incorporatiing a little of this can improve the flow of these works.
Not as legato as I'd like, or without a few mistakes and hesitations...
Some more of Alan Mearns incredible arranging / playing
Most guitar players take the prelude from BWV 1005 violin sonata more or less as written, which can sound thin on guitar:
Later in life, Bach published a harpsichord arrangement of this work, transposing to G and filling in the harmony in some unexpected ways (who would have guessed the dim 7 on the second scale degree over a tonic pedal in the second bar from the c and d in the violin piece?)
Hear is Mearns arrangement which leaves the piece in C (as he plays the whole suite on the recording) but takes the juicy harmony from BWV 968 to fill out the rather sparse violin score:
Unfortunately not on Youtube, but can listen on the streaming sites
What the heck....
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