Posted By Ric Lee (0 replies)
Yesterday, 06:54 PM in For Sale
New Forum Posts
Guitars and violins are driven differently. A bow and a pluck don't work the same. A violin has very little volume when plucked, but can be loud when bowed. Guitars are not played with bows.
@ OP This is a mostly collegial forum where guitars can be sold or traded among ourselves without incurring fees. I would suggest that if you want members to buy your guitars (or sell to you) that...
I would call him a transcendental player, along the lines of Pharaoh Sanders.
Of course not everything he plays is as dense and complex as Hydra or this new work (which I haven’t heard yet). I...
Ime, you need to have your own options for situations like these when the melody deviates from the system, and then use your ear to determine which you like best.
I think an aux dim with using the...
A few years ago I harmonised My Romance as a BH exercise and I also hit this problem. I went for the G7 option to preserve the B on top.
I think Randy Vincent mentions this in one of his books...
Been curious about the natural 6th on a ii7 issue w the BH harmonic system. Not sure if it's explicitly mentioned as this exact situation happens so rarely in GASB tunes. Wrote a little blurb about...
Yes, I went whenever I could between 2005 and the pandemic.
I would tend to defer to Alan, Chris or for that matter Shan who certainly had a lot more exposure to Barry’s teaching than I did on a...
Green Dolphin
Yesterday, 10:31 PM in The Songs