The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  1. #1

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    jazz2511 - YouTube
    I love these arrangements of the standards.
    Does any one else get chord melody ideas from these videos?
    It's not easy to translate some of the lush chords on to the guitar though.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Not familiar with him but I've attempted to borrow ideas from Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett. I say "attempted" because one must rack one's brain to come up with chord voicings that can even approximate their piano voicings and counterpoint.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mick-7
    Not familiar with him but I've attempted to borrow ideas from Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett. I say "attempted" because one must rack one's brain to come up with chord voicings that can even approximate their piano voicings and counterpoint.
    I like the fact that the pieces are transcribed and there are explanatory notes for a lot of the chord and note patterns and harmony.

  5. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by garybaldy
    I like the fact that the pieces are transcribed and there are explanatory notes for a lot of the chord and note patterns and harmony.
    Well, I referenced transcriptions of Bill Evans/Keith Jarrett pieces but it didn't help much. Jim Hall did a good job of dumbing down Evan's harmony for guitar, and probably Ed Bickert but I have not studied his playing - and Ben Monder too, no doubt.

  6. #5

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    Can't beat the old Barry Galbraith Chord Melody book for getting idea's for harmonizing tunes.