This weekend
- the answer to ‘should I bring the ES335?’ for a dep gig with a band you’ve not played with before with unknown charts is always yes
- the answer to ‘should I bring my pedalboard?’ to the same gig is also always yes.Last edited by Christian Miller; 05-23-2023 at 02:14 PM.
05-23-2023 05:15 AM
did something go wrong in your last gig ?
can you tell more ?
Originally Posted by Christian Miller
Originally Posted by dconeill
I would send you packing for showing up with that pedalboard. Gig was canceled. YOUR gig. LOL
What is on your pedalboard, Christian?
Originally Posted by Litterick
it was a gig where I’d been assured it was a ‘Freddie green’ thing. I turn up with my es175 (thank god it wasn’t a proper archtop) and a fender Princeton. Open the pad. First page - ‘heavy rock guitar sound’
luckily I did bring my pedalboard just because, so I went back to the car. Still put in the position of playing ‘heavy rock guitar solo’ on gauge .13 flatwounds. Could be worse…
Reminds me of big band gigs. Someone always waits for when you bring the authentic FG set up to call the Maynard charts.
335. Always bring the 335 unless you know the band. Lesson learned.
Yeah, for me it can simply be not knowing the place, even if I know the music and the band. You bring the 335, it can handle any room and stage setup, funky weather, humidity, etc ..
And if things are really unknown, the job falls on the tele! Which is also my airplane gig guitar!
I don't play my 335 too often these days and sometimes think about parting with it, but then I have one of these gigs you describe and love its versatility (not to mention how good it sounds) so it ends up staying. 335s are such a good tool to have to cover a lot of bases
I also play a semi. But sometimes I play a Strat copy with a humbucker. And, I used to play a Les Paul or an L5S. Also, a D'A EXDC. They all worked fine for a wide range of music. Other players get even more mileage out of the Tele (neck is too big for me, or I'd have one).
The only thing they can't quite do is a classic Freddie Green sound. Close, but not the same sound.
Originally Posted by Paulie2
Originally Posted by Christian Miller
Originally Posted by Paulie2
Sounds like an interesting experience Christian, turning up to a Jazz gig and in-fact its a rock gig, or was it like some rock-jazz fusion thing, jazz with distorted guitars? U got the set list out of interest?
Originally Posted by RickyHolden
I turned up expecting a Sinatra thing with chords for guitar (mostly straight four swing stuff) and aside from the obvious Frank standbys there were also about 15 written parts for arrangements of Michael buble songs that I was expected to sight read.
I daresay anyone who worked on the cruise ships after college would have done such shows a million times. For me, it was a little scary, but fun.
The buble stuff tends to be me more ‘contemporary easy listening’ which means more modern guitar sounds (well rock/pop elements.)
I should really have known better, but I don’t really know Bubles stuff haha. Ah well, now I know. Good experience. Bang up for more if they’ll have me..Last edited by Christian Miller; 05-25-2023 at 01:07 PM.
Originally Posted by unknownguitarplayer
The sound guy was like ‘Mike an amp? Quaint.’ And went off to find an SM57… (Princeton sounded great tho, of course.)
This was just a small show touring provincial theatres.
im sure if you have the chair it’s a bit more organised. I do wish I’d been given the MD’s number though haha.
Originally Posted by Christian Miller
Originally Posted by AaronMColeman
Originally Posted by AaronMColeman
Fender tone master is starting to tick boxes I must say. Amp and DI! What a world. Of course Peavey have had this for ages on real tube amps.
Tbh it really depends on the gig. commercial stuff has a very low tolerance for failure or inconsistency.
Originally Posted by Christian Miller
Originally Posted by RickyHolden
well props for pulling it off and I hope u had a stiff whiskey or 2 afterwards to chill out!
Originally Posted by RickyHolden
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